Digital printing has a host of benefits over offset printing in Yonkers, New York. It can reduce physical and chemical waste, offer more design options, and provide a value balance for small and large enterprises. These are just some of the most significant reasons why businesses should switch over to this type of printing. There are many others as well.
Reduces ink waste
One of the most popular ways to cut costs in digital printing is through reducing the amount of ink used in a print job. By utilizing bulk supply systems, digital printers eliminate the need to dispose of individual ink cartridges. However, if the print job requires carbon paper or siliconized paper, there are no recycling options for these materials. In addition, over-inking the print job can result in bleed-through and dot gain.
The ink used in traditional printing processes often contains volatile organic compounds, or VOCs. These compounds can cause irritation, difficulty breathing, and even nausea. Some are even carcinogenic. However, digital printing uses water-based inks to minimize VOC emissions. In addition, the EPA reports that digital printing produces no emissions.
Another advantage of digital printing is that you won’t have to waste ink by printing several copies of the same document. Instead, you can check the design’s features with just one document. This means that you will have less waste and be able to print more copies in a shorter timeframe. Further, digital printing also reduces the need for skilled labour.
Reduces chemical and physical waste
Digital printing is an environment-friendly alternative to conventional printing. Although the two printing techniques have some differences, both technologies have been proven to have significant environmental benefits. For one, digital printing requires less paper. Conventional printing uses long setup times and a lot of paper. But with digital printing, the inks are placed electronically, eliminating the need for endless running waste. Additionally, digital printing reduces paper waste to a low percentage, often less than 5%. Moreover, some printers use recycled paper.
Another advantage of digital printing is that it eliminates toxic chemicals. Conventional printing uses several chemicals and solvents to create the printing plates. These chemicals can cause irritation and can even be harmful to the central nervous system. Some of these chemicals are even carcinogenic. By contrast, water-based inks are used in digital printing, so no chemicals are required.
In addition, digital printing allows you to print only what you need. This means that you won’t be printing excess inventory, which reduces physical and chemical waste. Moreover, digital printing can be used as a low-cost solution for prototyping and printing.
Allows for more design options
Digital printing enables designers to be more flexible, allowing them to create a wider range of design options. Unlike conventional printing processes, digital printing is also much greener. This technology does not rely on numerous chemicals and materials, creating less waste and reducing carbon emissions. Furthermore, digital printing is more energy-efficient, requiring less power and less water.
Another benefit of digital printing is its speed and cost. Compared to offset printing, digital printing can turn around a design in less time. In addition, it reduces the amount of ink waste and the amount of solvent used. The technology also allows for more design options, such as white ink, glossy finishes, embossed effects, and a range of other special effects.
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Provides value balance for small and large enterprises
Digital printing is a relatively new technology that enables small and large enterprises to produce small runs economically. Compared to traditional print methods, digital printing is less expensive and enables smaller businesses to compete with large corporations on a level playing field. It also has other benefits, including more customized products and more personalized service.